Cricket is a technical sport with technical products, but what do all the terms mean? The following is an insight into the ‘mysteries of cricket bats’ and will hopefully assist when selecting your  cricket bat.


Massive ‘Big Edge’ profile which increases from the shoulders and maximises at the sweet spot, generating supreme balance with an extended sweet spot that covers the entire width of the blade. 

 Spine’ profiles adopt traditional shaping characteristics which operate in unison with the ‘Big Edge’ profile of the bat – creating a huge apex, with unrivalled amounts of power throughout the length of the blade and exceptional ‘pick up’.

The position in the blade where performance is maximised. Most bats are engineered to maximise the size of the sweet spot, allowing the middle of the bat to be spread further across the blade meaning that off centre strikes perform better.

In the quest to maximise profile, using scallops either side of the spine allow the apex to be extended without dramatically increasing weight. Scallops also maximise edge profile which reduces rotation of the blade in off centre hits, minimising power loss.

The modern game revolves around the thickness of the blade:
1) Flat Face - levelling out the striking area allows more mass to be retained in the back of the bat, maximising the power profile.
2) Rounded Face – favoured by more traditional players, the slightly rounded face gives a familiar look but yields a less expanded profile.

F.   BOW
The curve of the bat from the tip of the handle to the end of the toe. Designed to enhance the position of the hands by placing them ahead of the ball, which is essential for good stroke play.



There is much discussion about heavier bats and massive edge profiles and how these will hit the ball further but we do not totally subscribe to that theory. Clearly, if you choose a lighter bat then you will most likely have to compromise slightly on the thickness of the profile and edge profile but this is not a problem. We all have different physiques and sizes and we strongly believe that to get the best performance out of a bat the most essential element is to choose one that feels the right weight for you, this will help you to time the ball better and ultimately make more runs!

It is interesting when a player stipulates that they must have an exact bat weight - if a 2lb 9oz and a 2lb 10oz bat weight were placed in front of the player, it is unlikely that they would be able to tell the difference. We feel ‘pick up’ is more important than ‘dead weight’ as the ‘pick up’ determines how the bat will feel in play – nobody can tell you what the right pick up is for you, or the exact weight you should use – it is a question of what feels right for you.


It is often claimed that bats are specifically designed for either front or back foot play.  In reality, although a shape can be better suited to the type of wicket you normally play on, we all have to play off both the front and back foot, so it is therefore best to choose the bat that just feels right for you.


Bat prices vary significantly and are all effectively pieces of wood, but we would argue that a more expensive bat will perform better than a cheaper one (we would expect a bat made from grade 1 wood to perform better than a bat made from grade 3 wood for example).  

Whereas wider grained bats can perform just as well although they are slightly harder to start with, after playing in they were stronger pieces of willow. The number of grains in a bat is a much debated issue (a grain is regarded as a year in the life of a tree) and there was a school of thought that 8 straight grains on the face produced the perfect bat. However, over the years, willow has changed and the ever increasing demand for willow has created a scenario where trees reach maturity more quickly. This means there are fewer/wider grains, consequently the definition of grading and grains in a bat have evolved over the years. 

The most expensive willow and arguably the best looking blade. There may be some red wood evident on the blade and generally there will be at least 6 fairly straight grains visible on the face. There may be a small knot or speck in the edge or back of the bat but the playing should be clean.

Excellent quality blade but usually more red wood may be visible than on a grade 1 which does not affect the playability of the bat. Similar number of grains to a grade 1 with potentially the odd blemish or butterfly in the grain on the face.

The most extensively used grade of blade which offers excellent value for money. A grade 3 blade may have up to half the face in a tint/red wood colour but this does not affect playability. This grade will have around 5 grains on the face that may not be that straight and there is likely to be some specks or butterfly marks on the grains on the face of the bat.

Usually over half of the blade may have a discoloured area but the product playability should not be affected. There are often only 4 grains and there are more butterfly stains and marks on the face of the bat.

This grade is produced during our production process and it is basically similar to a grade 4 but may have more stain in the wood so cosmetically will not look as good.


Height Recommended size
4 ft and under   0
4ft - 4ft 3"  1
4ft 3 - 4ft 6"  2
4ft 6" - 4ft 9"  3
4ft 9" - 5ft  4
5ft - 5ft 3"  5
5ft 3" - 5ft 5"  6
5ft 5" - 5ft 7" Harrow
5ft 7" - 5ft 9" Sm Mens
5ft 9" - 6 ft Short Handle
6ft +  Long Handle/Long Blade